I’m Jessica, and Perpetually Astonished is my abandoned blog. For a brief period of time while I was working on my MSc, it was a blog about food. I have not updated it in nearly a decade. I keep it up because I refer to a few of the recipes I still make from time to time. And maybe I will use it again one day. Enjoy!
alcohol balsamic pepper berry picking boozy beverage breakfast canning carrots Chunky Carrot & Fennel Soup cocktails cold weather csa dinner double chocolate drinks espresso fennel garlic gin ginger greens hot tequila toddy jam kale lunch mulled apple cider mulled wine no eggs peas poached egg polenta risotto roasted squash rum and eggnog chai seasonal seasonal beverages soup spring squash strawberries students ubc farm ubyssey vegan vegan (without the egg) vegetarianMy Reading List